10 March 2014

How to create the perfect Facebook business page in 11 easy steps!

There’s no better feeling then helping a business grow. Whether it’s a traditional form of marketing such as signs, banners, vehicle graphics or direct mail or the digital age of website development and social media – at LRT we truly enjoy helping business development. What’s good for other businesses can only be good for our business and the local community right? Right.

One of the things we love doing is helping businesses set up and manage their social media accounts. The holy grail of social networking is facebook. Facebook is more then just that site that your kids, parents, grandkids or whoever uses. It’s the site that business utilize, your friends check and that search engines index. What was that list thing I said? Sure I’ll repeat that. It’s that website that search engines index. Facebook is more valuable than you might think, but enough SEO talk, this is about how to brand your FB business page in 10 easy ways so let us tell you how and if you want to know more about SEO, just give us a call. ;)

Here are a few things that you can do to help create the PERFECT facebook business page in 11 easy steps. Really, it’s just that easy.

  1. Brand everything. We’ll go into more details but really you want everything to have a smooth look. Look at your facebook the same way you would look at your business. You wouldn’t want a different logo on your business card then on your door and on your apparel would you? Probably not. Therefore, you want to keep a consistent and branded look on your facebook page with a few easy steps.
  2. Create a custom cover photo that is both branded and engaging. Your business page cover is the first thing that will draw attention to potential followers and clients. It’s very important to have an engaging cover photo that is both informative, pleasing to the eye and grabs the attention of those who are browsing by your page; all without being too overwhelming to the user. It will probably be the first thing they see and the sure thing they remember so make it memorable.
  3. Create a custom cover icon photo that is branded and engaging. While your cover photo will be the thing that completely draws people in, a branded icon photo is an essential accompaniment. The more engaging your graphics are, the more likely you are to gain a fan. The more fans you gain, the more likely you are to gain a customer.
  4. Custom cover photos and icons aren’t enough – customize those thumbnails! We’re always shocked by how many people aren’t aware that they can customize those thumbnails on their facebook page (or think that they have to have a paid app for that).  Guess what? You can customize them AND they’re free! Custom designed thumbnails will be one of the items that visually helps complete the branding of your facebook page. Creating a completely branded facebook page including thumbnails really finishes your page with a complete look.
  5. 1, 2, 3, 4 put them together and hear them roar! If you can visually get the icon photo, cover photo and thumbnail to not only be branded but to work with one another to incorporate all the graphics together to create a unique and branded image – well if you’re able to do that, then you’ve just knocked your facebook page out of the park. Here’s an example of what we mean (as you can see, the icon works in conjunction with the cover photo to grab your attention):
    Custom Design Facebook Cover - Graphic Design in Chico by LRT Graphics
  6. Claim your vanity URL. It feels silly putting this on the list, we kind of thought it was common knowledge. After talking to a few people last week, it’s come to our surprise that a custom url on facebook is not common knowledge. It’s pretty easy to set up a vanity url on facebook, yet not everyone does (i.e. www.facebook.com/lrtgraphics versus https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nor-Cal-Jazz-Festival/1400388273540070). It makes things a lot easier for online searches as well as for branding. You typically have to have at least 30 fans to customize your URL so make sure you’ve got them so you can set your URL as soon as possible otherwise you might risk someone else snagging it.
  7. Set your interests. We’re always surprised by the people that don’t set their interests on their pages and/or have them set wrong. It’s important to not only make sure you have selected category interests for your business but it’s also important to make sure they’re the correct interests too!
  8. Properly fill out profile information. We know, we know. You don’t have the time to write about your business, but really, you should make the time. Including the right information on your profile can really make or break how both facebook users and search engines find your business. Make sure you get this handled!
  9. Promote your page (and posts). Now that your business page is all fancy shmancy, you need fans to get involved. Promoting your page to friends of friends and/or those in the age, city and interests you want to build your audience. This is a quick and easy way to not only get fans, but to get the ones that are right for your business.
  10. Create innovative and unique posts. Now that you have your fans, it’s time to keep them. Create new, fun and innovative posts that’s full of unique content that’s not only related to your industry but that is also fun!
  11. Engage, engage, engage. You get what you give when it comes to social media, so make sure that you engage! Engage on your own page, engage with other businesses and more than anything make sure you’re building online relationships. This will only help you, your business and your facebook page!

These are just a few of our suggestions on how to create the perfect facebook page in 11 easy steps. If you or anyone you know would like to get a quote on design or on how we can help you with your online presence, please give us a call.

LRT is a marketing and graphic solutions company specializing in web design and development, SEO, blogging and content creation, social media management, and anything you can imagine to help your business enhance its online presence and visibility. LRT Graphics serves a large variety of clients in Chico and surrounding North State and Northern California areas like Oroville, Paradise, Corning, Red Bluff, Redding, Orland, Reno, Sparks, Yuba City, Marysville, Sacramento and more! We would be more than happy to work with you on your next website development project from responsive to mobile, we can do it all. Talk to the experts today!

Call us at (530) 879-9261 or toll free (888) 934-6578 for a creative, innovative and successful website that is sure to drive traffic straight to your front door.

